Welcome to the Loving Arms of the Ecumenical Orthodox-Catholic Church (EOCC)
Please feel welcome! Feel at home! Feel loved as you worship with us. Be blessed as you read this Divine truth.
Our Mission is: Love One Another-John 13:34-35 We seek to be a church that shares the Gospel of Love in a world that is hurting, to console the broken and "bringing home" all children of God.
Christian Orthodoxy. Nothing added. Nothing taken away. The Bible interpreted by the 12 apostles' unanimous agreement. Participation in Seven Mysteries/Sacraments and common prayer, the mystical life of the Orthodox-Catholic Church.
We possess apostolic succession.
Our Christian teaching is unchanged from the earliest days of the church, but our church is dynamic, sharing Holy Communion with all the baptized, with daily Divine Eucharists celebrated by most of our clergy, discipling and sanctifying children and adults, rapidly releasing into ministry, training, mentoring and empowering leaders, rapidly evangelizing, friendly and service oriented, engaged in spiritual ministries like healing, deliverance, fasting and prayer and running schools, health facilities needy children sponsorship, evangelism crusades and charities across nations.
We are strongest in Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda but trying to reach into North America, India, Pakistan, and Australia, humble people empowered by the Holy Spirit, full of God's life and love.