The Ecumenical Orthodox-Catholic Church (EOCC)
We are a Christ-Love centred Ecumenical Orthodox Church(Eastern Rite). For ten years we have been an autonomous Orthodox Church, grown from one bishop in Uganda to nearly five million Christians. This directory is only the beginnings of a complete directory in progress; we have over 100 large churches in Nigeria, Uganda and Tanzania where we are strongest and are currently at work in 14 nations. For immediate and further information, please contact the Global Premate Archbishop's office at: Tel: +256 785 395858
This is God's work, and we give Him glory for all He is doing, transforming lives, communities, and nations. We seek to be a church planting movement wherever we are established, bringing the Gospel, the love of Christ, Hope and the power found in Sacred Mysteries (Sacraments) and Prayer graciously to all peoples.
Ecumenical Orthodox-Catholic Church,
Premate's Africa Office,
Bishop Kiiza Thomas Sibayirwa, PhD
Missions and Community Projects under the Primate's Office:
Christ King of Peace Diocese, UgandaChrist King of Peace Parish, Located in Kisebere Village, Nyabugando Ward-Kasese
P.o.Box 423 Kasese, Uganda
Tel: +256 785 395858 Email: Liturgy on Sunday at the Parish: 9:30 am
Rev.Rogers Bwambale
Kasese & Bwera Missions
Healing Liturgy on Thursdays 9:00am
Divine Liturgy on Sunday: 10:00am
Rev.Fr.Alex Tushabe,
Vicar General Mid West-Uganda,
Christ the King Parish,
Kakumiro-Bunyoro Missions
Tel: +256 782 291809
Email: Rev.Fr.Jean-Marie Vianey Bazirababo,
Assistant Priest,
Christ King of Peace Parish, Bwera
Franco-Phone Missions Coordinator.
Australia, Tonga & Newzealand EOCC MissionsBishop Elect Very Rev.Fr. Silouan Vea,
175 Ninth Ave, Aistral, NSW 2179 Australia.
Mobile +61402549745
Email: Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC)Very Rev.Fr. Remy Mulosya,
Vicar General for DRC EOCC Missions
Email: Divine Liturgies on Sundays: 10:00am
India EOCC MinistriesSURESH KUMAR, Prophet online preacher
Ministries to the neglected and abandoned poor tribes
New Delhi (INDIA)
Tel: +91 99684 37311
smohanm07@gmail.comNigeria & West Africa EOCC MissionsDiocese of The Good Shepherd ALUMUKU, BENUE STATE,
Most Rev. Bishop Jim GEN,
St.Peter's Alumuku Cathedral Parish,
Tel: +234 8154546456, +234 7017 664608
Email: Divine Liturgy on Sundays: 9:00am
St. John's Church
Mbagbam-Mbaachila Ute, Vandeikya,
Local Government Area, Benue State, Nigeria
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 8 AM
RwandaHoly Twelve Apostles Parish
RN 15 (KK 15Rd) Main Street
Nyanugenge Town, Kigali City, Rawanda
Rev. Fr. George Jean Claude Murekeyimana
(+250) 788 772 489
georgeesmana13@gmail.comSunday Divine Liturgy 10 AM
Facebook page: Ecumenical Orthodox Catholic Church, Twanda
Fellow Feeling Fellowship
Kigali City
Fr. George Jean Clause Murekeyimana
(+250) 788 772 489
Hope Nursery School
Tailoring Training for Women
Iwacu/Home Recovery and Empowerment Centre--post genocide care: counseling psychology, psychotherpy, sociotherapy, psychosocial support, training and mentorship
South AfricaSudanTanzaniaSt. Anthony EOCChurch
Box 217, Kamachumu-Muleba
Phone: + 255766476986
Fr. Seraphim Ignatious Simba
St. John the Baptist EOC Church
Busangalo, Karagwe District
Fr. Paulo Tibejuka Alibibi
+ 255753435792
St. Mary EOCChurch
Chanya, Karagwe District
Fr. Paulo Tibejuka Alibibi
St. Gregory EOCChurch,
Kyerwa, Karagwe District
Fr. Paulo Tibejuka Alibibi
St. Peter and Paulo Church
P.O. Box 51, Geita,
Phone: +255764509702
The Rev. Deacon Athanasious Nestory Mpala
Works, Projects & MinistriesDivine Hope Upendo Education and Empowerment Centre (Dhueec)
Box 67, Mwanza
Phone: +255762418829
Brother Jacob Oloo
Email: upendodivinecenter@gmail.comhttps://www.divinehopecentre2000.orgEcumenical Orthodox-Catholic USA ProvinceEOCC GLOBAL OFFICESanctuary House of Divine Mercy
Warsaw, IN
Email: Divine Liturgy or Communion Service: 10:00 AM Sundays
Missionaries of Divine Compassion
Religious Order, House of Formation
missionariesofdivinecompassion@gmail.comKairos Prisons Ministries & Pastoral Care,
Lay Leader, Charles F. Boring Jr,
513 S.Indiana St,
Warsaw, IN 465860
Tel: +1 574 5494335 Email:
cboringjr@gmail.comWorks, Ministries & ProjectsFeed My Lambs Bible Camp
New Jersey & New YorkDivine Heart Society
P.O. Box 1178
Mountclair, NJ 07042
Fr. John Kemokalam
(+1 973) 424-0500 KENYAVery Rev. Bishop-Elect Fr. Isaiah Ntûribi Kîjûkî, Sts. Peter & Paul EOCC Mission-Liburu E'mubwika Kangeta, KENYA
Meru- Maua Highway,
Tel: +254 739 000068 Email:
njukikiki@gmail.com https://HandsoftendernessatouchofdivinemercyDivine Liturgy on Sundays at: 9:00am